
If your content is in Google Docs, the quickest way to start exporting content is by using the Cloudpress Google Workspace Add-On. The Add-On allows you to export content from Google Docs to any of your connected Content Management Systems without leaving the Google Docs editor.

Before you can start exporting your content with the Google Workspace Add-on, be sure that you have

  1. Installed the Google Docs Add-On
  2. Configured the Google Docs Add-On

Export content

Open the Cloudpress Add-On by clicking on the icon in the side panel.

You will see a list of all your connections.

If you have not connected any accounts, refer to our documentation on Adding a connection.

If you have previously exported the current document, the connections to which you have exported that document will be listed at the top under the Previously exported connections heading, with the remainder of the connections listed below under Other connections.

Click the Export button next to the connection name to export to that connection. The add-on will start the export by uploading the content to the Cloudpress servers. You will be navigated to a status page where you can see the export status.

The export status card displays the following information:

  1. The title of the document
  2. The status of the export
  3. The date and time the export was started
  4. A Refresh button to refresh the status card
  5. A list of additional actions you can take

The export status will not automatically refresh, but you can click on the refresh button to retrieve the latest status. Once the export is complete, the status will be updated to Done.

The Actions section displays a list of actions you can take and will depend on the export status and the type of connection.

You will always see the View log action regardless of the export status and type of connection. Clicking this action takes you to the job detail page in the Cloudpress web application, where you can view a log file for the export. If any errors occur during the export, this is a useful tool to try and understand the reason for the error and how to fix it.

The screenshot above demonstrates an export that was done to WordPress. In this case, there are two additional actions; one that takes you to the edit screen in WordPress to make additional edits to the blog post and another to the published blog post on the connected WordPress website.

These additional actions only display once the export has been completed and be different depending on the type of connection.